I always like to be engaged in a work that requires accuracy in
details, especially with such
interesting material as genuine leather. Since I have had some work experience
in a company that manufactured leather product, one day, I decided to make a
guitar strap for myself. It proved to be not only nice looking but also
comfortable and very durable, which is of great importance. My musicians
friends have appreciated this and began making orders. Since I have been
involved in music industry, I used to see straps with dashed holes and guitars
falling down and crashing against floors because of unreliable shoulder straps
numerous times.
All this urged me to
improve my products, making them both nice looking and uniquely emphasizing the
style of a guitar and also durable and comfortable. I am convinced, if you feel
comfortable your mood is good, too, and you achieve confidence that drives you.
I am sure, if a guitar player strives to get the best combination of sound
quality, design, and reliability out of his instrument, the same attitude
should be applied to the shoulder strap, which determines the comfort for
performing and the life span of an instrument.